The worst thing we can do is live in perpetual comfort. In our culture we see comfort as an achievement. We cannot be the change our culture desperately needs when we are comfortable. If being comfortable is our goal then we don’t push against the degrading of our culture. We fear the idea we may be financial hurt or an outcast in our world. Go along to get along is the mantra. Years pass us by and we ask, “What happened to our culture?” Your desire to be comfortable didn’t lead to the change we need.
Breaking out of being comfortable starts in our daily lives. What opportunities present themselves to show the truth about God? Who can we lift up that desperately need a lift? We need to take an inventory of the people we come into contact with. Don’t be afraid of making others uncomfortable. The truth makes people uncomfortable because their own failures and sins are put in the light.
It is easy to say, “someone else is better for the job.” If you are called into a specific line of work it is your job. There is always going to be someone better. We can’t just have one person in each category. The world wouldn’t be able to function properly if that logic went to its ultimate conclusion.
In our culture comfort it the best thing Satan can use. Evil is relentless. It doesn’t stop and constantly looks for opportunities to destroy. When we don’t speak up evil wins. When we don’t help spiritually, physically, financially, and emotionally we are ceding territory.
We are losing the war when we value being comfortable. Comfort should be a call to action. It tells us that more should be done. Our treasures are ultimately in heaven.
C.R says
I absolutely agree with this premise. I believe that our natural draw to comfort works in concert with our natural draw to sin. It is no secret that our flesh is drawn to sin as a result of our humanity. In most cases, I believe we as humans should be questioning when things are coming easy. We want to believe the lie that it is because we are good, or good at it, and that is why it is easy. But, I am pretty sure the bible spells out the differences between our “paths” one is easy and one is hard, one leads to destruction, and the other to paradise. We should always be willing to self evaluate, even when it may be painful to do so, otherwise, we will unknowingly follow the detours in life that lead to the path of destruction. Great post.