On Tuesday, April 20th the verdict of Derick Chauvin was influenced by the mob of public opinion. Last year when the case was televised there was information left out. The media gives you a still shot that fits the narrative they want to create. BLM, Antifa, and the general public run with the narrative with constant protest and riots thru that last year. This, unfortunately, is a political story that shows the depravedness of out culture. We do not allow grace for anyone against the narrative. People are turned into constructs instead of individuals made in the image of God.
My opinions in this post are based on the cumulation of evidence I seen while watching the trial. I won’t rehash the specifics of the case but I want to focus on the meta narrative. Many of these cop/racial cases are started with hate and not grace. Every time you see one of these cases you should wait for all the information before making an opinion. If we think everything is based on the worst case of racism our culture will continually divide. If I had a nickel for every time I heard “racist” I would be rich. A culture without grace and truth is a culture absent of God.
In a previous post I talk about a team/group metaphor. We now are all about our side winning instead of everyone gaining. Are we on team cop or team victim? You should not be on either side. I’m on the side of truth no matter where is leads. If the truth dismantles my preconceived notions then so be it. This has actually happened many times before. When you become a Christian you don’t follow you own truth but the ways of Jesus. This is constantly battling your own narrative in life. Unfortunately, in this deeply divided culture we are only thinking thru our preconceived notions.
The mob doesn’t want you to think critically or use the Socratic Method. When the world belittles any type of contrarian opinion you are less apt to think more critically. Sometimes a logical fallacy of, “If so many people believe this in must be true,” enters your head. This tactic works to mentally exhaust dissenting opinions and make people afraid to speak out.
Mob justice is going to grow in our culture absent of truth. How do you think the end times will pan out? It won’t be just a law. It will be the media and massive protest seeking to destroy you. When you focus on a single truth represented as Christ we will fall apart. The track we are heading down can only get worse.
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