Culturally we have been looking at individuals as constructs. Everyone is guilty of sinning. We develop constructs of individuals when we can’t deal with our own sin or sin that has been done to us. A lot of us look to popular figures to imbue our sin and problems directly on. Celebrities are turned into gods when they are everything we are not. Cultural icons are turned into sacrifices to rid ourselves of our lack of grace and inability to deal with problems. Are we looking at the sinner or creating a construct?
Celebrity A is everything we are not. He owns people who disagree with our viewpoint. He is a type A personality that is without fear and doesn’t take no for an answer. This celebrity has more victories than anybody we know. We want to be him. He can never be wrong. Without knowing it Celebrity A has become a God.
Celebrity A is an idol and a construct. We worship him while we don’t do what the real God commands us to do. This popular figure is doing things we should be involved in. We should create victories for the Lord and not ourselves. Everyone should live by the faith of the Lord and not live in fear. Jesus doesn’t have any flaws and is the perfect example to live by and put our trust in. Every construct will fail us.
Celebrity B has done a sin that we cannot get over. He crossed the line and we feel like he should be cancelled. We believe no amount of apologizing would be enough to absolve the mistake the person has made. Many of us are angry that this sin has been done to us in the past. We need to make a statement that this sin should not be done do anybody ever again. Celebrity B is our perfect sacrifice.
Celebrity B is also an idol and a construct. Everyone that wants to destroy is guilty of sinning themselves. We don’t know the heart of the celebrity. There are many questions of the context to his story. Essentially, his status make his blood more pure; makes the sacrifice quench the souls of those guided by hate. This is not a way for us to live. Our culture is toxic.
People are incredibly complicated. We are all fallen and need Christ. Those who have fallen off the path needs our hand outstretch to guide them back on the narrow path. Christians need to give each other accountability and not sacrifice each other to quench the culture. The blood of The Innocent One was spilled for us when when we didn’t deserve it. Sacrificing people on your own alter of hate is evil and wrong.
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