The most current example of the power of the narrative is the media story of the weekend. The Covington Catholic students drawn media national media attention as well as a social media firestorm. Everyone had an opinion regardless of what facts were present. The narrative is more important to get out before the facts. Regardless of reasoning people recognize the power of a story.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NASB)
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.”
The hashtag “expose christian schools” has been a trending topic this week. The public was already ripe in their eyes. When the public saw a news story that portrayed Christians students in a negative light they reacted. A hot button issues is fueled my emotion and not facts. Even if the story is false they feel righteous for their hot take.
Truth exposes failures in ideology. Statistics and context get in the way of making people feel better about themselves. When you consume the truth you have to change your beliefs or admit you are wrong. A false narrative keeps your ideology intact while not having to deal with the problems of your beliefs.
Conviction of narrative leads people to change or create a false truth. When people realize they are wrong you hear, “The bigger issue matters.” They don’t apologize cause they don’t want to see themselves in the Light. A new cultural issue gets established from the rubble of their sin. The verse I mentioned earlier these people start listening to people who make themselves feel better instead of do right.
We need to keep the media accountable as well as our own tribal thinking. Let’s not react quickly to everything we hear. We have to confront our own lies and beliefs that make us feel better about ourselves. If not we will continue to consume false narratives and degrade our culture for future generations.
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