The first reason as to why I’m not writing is dealing with my disability. My lack of content as of late isn’t due to laziness. I am dealing with brain problems as well as physical problems. This is an issue I been dealing with to varying degrees well over a decade. Lately these issues have been dialed up to 11. I have brain fog coupled with chronic pain.
I recently have moved and have a bunch of things on my plate at the moment. It is important to pursue writing my blog consistently. I want me and my writing to be less driven by fear and more unafraid as I tackle truth. My Wednesday cultural posts I will continue to pursue more pointed cultural issues. It may naturally get more political but is tremendously important.
My anxiety issues has took the driving wheel of my creativity. The future of my blog needs to be more specific to the issues our culture is currently dealing with. Honestly, we need a revival in the church and in our culture. I will pursue topics that lead in that direction.
My disability has made it hard financially on me. I currently have a GoFundMe account to help with promotion of my blog. If you don’t want to donate help by sharing my blog post to people. This venture is important. We need to have a culture who follow’s Christ and to have a church responsible to build the body up.
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