Some Christians in our culture worship many gods. This can be wealth, personality, doctrine, and many more. The passive nature of our church leads to worshiping gods. If we are not active in the great commission and centering your life around Jesus many things fill the gap. What do we value and how do we value it.
A big issue in our culture is the cult of personality. We don’t look at these people as human that can make mistakes. Once a leader in the church declares something as true people go along with them. They put the relationship to the person above the Truth. Everyone is bound to the truth regardless of personality or authority.
Another one of the gods people worship is wealth. They put success as a measuring stick of holiness. Wealth is shown as a reward. This is a trap. Wealth is viewed as an end instead of an opportunity. Living with Christ is the only real measurement of success.
If a church doesn’t have a central goal people will create there own. The goal should be equipping people for the great commission. When this isn’t the goal then we put practices and doctrine in place of the great commission. Soon these practices overshadow the One in which the church was made for. At this point we create gods. A truth we fail to see is that inaction can lead to this. We get so comfortable in the world we created that we forsake the real world. Not good.
The solution for this is to put Christ at the center of our church. Our goal is not to bring people to church. It is to make people part of the Church. This sounds like the same but it is far from it. Church attendance doesn’t increase Christianity. It may increase church income though. The latter part is us leading people to Christ to be part of His Church. Let’s not create gods in place of the one true God.
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